Classical Education Podcast Invites Wilson Hill Founders to Tell Their Story

Co-founders of Wilson Hill, Bob and Nancy Donaldson.20 Mar 2023

Wilson Hill co-founders, Nancy and Bob Donaldson, joined Davies Owens on the “BaseCamp Live” podcast in January to discuss their calling to classical Christian education almost thirty years ago and their exciting—and faith-building—journey to launch and shepherd Wilson Hill Academy. Part of that journey involved coming to the realization that they wanted their own children to experience the joy of classical Christian education.  Nancy explains, "Through Susan Schaeffer Macaulay and her book, For the Children’s

A Most Precious and Unexpected Gift

10 Dec 2019

I remember the moment clearly, now several years past, when I clicked the “Buy now” button to secure my 7th grade son’s first seat in an online classroom. I was instantly fearful. I’d just spent a lot of money on what might be a total dud. A real teacher was going to teach my child “in-real-life” through the computer? How was that supposed to work? What if the teacher was boring, incompetent or unorganized? Was

NASA’s Name the Rover Contest for Students, Grades K- 12!

Wilson Hill Academy Students! WHA science teacher, Mrs. Everett, is part of a NASA educator community, and NASA is currently holding a Name the Rover Contest for students in grades K- 12. She is encouraging all of her grammar science and life science students to enter the contest as it would be so exciting to have a WHA student name the 2020 Mars Rover! Go to NASA's Mars 2020 website, and watch the 45 second

College 101 Series: Beginning the College Journey

Online Christian Homeschool graduating class8 Aug 2019

Thinking about college can lead to anxiety-provoking thoughts for parents and students alike. However, before beginning your journey, try to keep my very favorite Bible verse centered in your heart . . . “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.” Jeremiah 29:11 There is great hope in knowing that God has a specific

Wilson Hill Academy 2019 Valedictory Address

Online Christian homeschooling student's graduation celebrated by family11 Jun 2019

It’s hard to believe that it was just four years ago when I first started at Wilson Hill. Was there really a time when I was just a freshman in high school beginning this whole “online school” thing? A time when I didn’t know the incredible teachers and students whom I’ve learned from these past four years? Even a time when I didn’t yet know how many times Adobe would kick me out at precisely

Wilson Hill Academy 2019 Commencement Address

11 Jun 2019

Thank you, Mr. Etter, for that generous introduction and for this enormous privilege of addressing the Class of 2019. Reflecting on these last few days together, my heart almost bursts with the joy of seeing you, my students, talking to your families, and meeting face-to-face with my colleagues and friends. Over 500 like-minded people, gathering together with a common love for our Lord and for learning, joining in a pursuit of the good, the true,