headhsot of Heather Hartman

Heather enjoys fostering classroom community through respect, encouragement and enthusiasm. Using everyday, real-life examples and hands-on labs, she strives to kindle joy and wonder even while teaching difficult concepts. She delights in seeing her students master material and overcome challenges as they persevere to learn more about God’s goodness, truth and beauty in the sciences.

Heather attended the University of Toledo and discovered a passion for scientific research and discovery while helping synthesize MRI contrast agents. She continued researching the enzyme kinetics of cancer drug targets as a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, enjoying the creativity involved in answering scientific questions. She joined the Visiting Scientist Program at the FBI as part of postdoctoral research, helping to improve existing forensic capabilities and develop new ones. In all these settings, she marveled in showing others the wonder and beauty of God through the order of the complex.

Since completing her doctorate, Heather has been teaching in various capacities and sharing her passion for science and education. She was introduced to classical Christian education when she began homeschooling her children and tutoring in various homeschool communities over ten years ago. In her free time, Heather delights in many things, but you’ll most often find her gardening, cooking, reading, running, playing games with her family or doing something with her hands. She lives just outside of Nashville with her husband, Jeff, and their four children.

Courses taught by Heather Hartman